2025 – A new year full of challenges!
Although no one can really see into the future, I already know that 2025 will be a year to remember! And not just because of a planned wedding. 🙂
No, 2025 will be a year of new challenges and responsibilities, more than ever, after we were surprised and blessed by two new grants last December.
First of all, as Bread of Life we have been given the trust of the local government to become their exclusive partner in guiding teenagers in orphanages and foster care on their way to adulthood. This gives us the obligation to recruit at least 20 new mentors as soon as possible, who will make a long-term commitment to building individual relationships… What an opportunity, but also, what a challenge!

This also gives us the opportunity, in addition to the mentors mentioned, to involve many more people in the project! In the form of workshops, company visits, but certainly also visits by mission teams… Especially such visits have also contributed to the impact of the project in the past year and a half and the recommendations that made the aforementioned grant possible! Now that you are reading this… Wouldn’t you also like to make a difference in the lives of these teenagers!? Or make this project known to friends or your church, by fulfilling a kind of ambassadorial function?

The grant covers direct project costs, but for managing this imposed growth we are dependent on periodic, systematic donations. Does this challenge appeal to you? Could you also play a role in this?
In addition to the trust from the local government, we have also received the trust of a private Christian fund for expanding the network of evangelical social ministries. For over 4 years, on behalf of Bread of Life and via Evangelical Poland, I have been investing in cooperation and synergy between organizations… As this is increasingly being recognized from outside, I’ve been honored with the task of having a network of 100 ambassadors in these ministries up and running by the end of 2025, who inspire each other through content on the website www.katalogdobra.pl and offer ready-made solutions.

Does this sound ambitious? Absolutely, and I can’t do it alone. But with your support and commitment, sure I can! Will you join?