Category: Clips and blogs


The Danish connection

Several times I have already written about how limited our strategic and operational planning is in relation to God’s providence… Here’s another good example. Last fall we were approached by someone from the “Polish-Danish...


Life keeps its colors

After all recent developments, I am often asked how things are going. Not only as a form of courtesy, but certainly also out of genuine interest and compassion. And the answer is increasingly: “Fantastic...


Serving in abundance

The word “food bank” does not immediately bring up associations with haute cuisine, does it? Fortunately, reality is much less stereotyped. That’s why here’s my menu for tonight, based solely on what I got,...


Dream team!

Most people have dreams. But not everyone chases their dreams. Last week we as Bread of Life had the special honor to welcome nine real doers. And that always goes through relationships… Bread of...


Bread of Life to Rwanda!

Bonfils and his wife Phoebe lived in Poznan for two years, where they have been active members of Poznan International Church. And, like many foreigners, they have become involved in Bread of Life as...


A gift of relaxation

As Bread of Life, we are always dealing with many more needs than we have resources to meet those needs. A fact that probably applies to most aid organizations. It keeps us sharp and...


Honored by a visit from the US

Involved partners are a blessing! For many years there has been a close relationship between Perimeter Church from the Atlanta area and Bread of Life. And that bond is maintained with dedication! And so...


Learning from the Mayor – A Study Tour with EP

One of the main goals of Evangelical Poland project is networking, learning from each other and making each other’s experience available. This can be done in the form of a so-called Study Tour –...