A growing challenge: preaching…
In many churches it is customary that in addition to the regular pastor, others also get the chance to preach on Sunday. And for the past 10 years or so I’ve had such invitations. Yes, sometimes. But since about a year, that “sometimes” has started to get more and more out of hand, to at least once a month.
Is it just because Richard Nungesser, founder of Bread of Life and pastor of Poznan International Church, has been forced to spend most of his time with his family in the US since the start of the pandemic? Or could it really be that what I’m trying to pass on touches and encourages people? And that because of that they would want to hear me again? Or would it just be a part of the development that somehow just goes along with being on a full-time missionary post?
Anyway, although the preparations take a lot of time, I enjoy it. Especially because you can’t just come and tell a story, or just a few beautiful truths from the Bible… In order to bring something that touches, it must first have touched yourself, and that is something magnificent!

And so recently I have enjoyed the example of the prophet Daniel, how he prayed, or a deeper background behind the familiar message of 1 Corinthians 13, or the incredible reactions of Abraham when God called him.
And so I hope to take steps myself toward greater trust and growth in the work we do, as — “For from him and through him and for him are all things. To him be the glory forever! Amen.” (Rom. 11:36)