How varied is the work of a “praeses”?!

Centuries and centuries ago, the Romans had a fancy word for someone who was the boss or had to pretend he was: “praeses”. And while most modern languages ​​have long used their own translations or synonyms, in Poland people stick to this term, in a slightly modified spelling though – the prezes.

With the fact that in Poland not only classical terms are still valued, but also forms of address and manners, I am very frequently called “Mr. prezes”. And there’s no trace of sarcasm in that! For a Dutchman, this remains a curiosity, even after years.

But what does such a prezes do every day? Like everywhere: chairing meetings, signing documents, approving payments, drafting reports, writing difficult emails and plans, but in the case of “Bread of Life” fortunately also a wide range of other things, which often are at least the same rewarding:

Arranging replacement of payment terminals to allow for for modern fundraising…

Supervising the formal delivery of the renovation of the roof of our NLC…

Ensuring adaptation of an update of the statutes of the foundation, to be able to apply for a status, like 501(c)(3) in the US, allowing for tax deduction in other EU countries…

Loading food for distribution twice a week with a cool bunch of volunteers…

Or explaining to a protégé where she can find a group of Christians to encourage her!

And this is just a selection from the last few weeks, still before the intensive holidays period! Being on a roll, so to say!

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