What do you mean, December a busy month?
As in every culture, every country or family, Bread of Life also has its traditions around Christmas. And as with almost every charitable organization, the month of December is a very busy one…
Loyal readers of my blogs will probably remember contributions from December 2022 or 2021 about our annual fundraising events in the city centers of Poznań and Kalisz. Well, the good news is that we had better weather than ever, and we still felt good after a whole day outside! It was beautiful again!

And even more good news is that the number of events is increasing… When we had a Christmas program for our protégées, organized by a large group of volunteers from Denmark last year, we thought that was perhaps one-off. Not so! Also this year they came, and the children from our various programs had a wonderful day! The date for next year is already planned…

Or a completely new tradition: the Fundraising Concert for our “Under Wings” program! In a theater hall in the center of Poznań, we had invited various (business) relationships for a wonderful concert with Christmas songs, with all kinds of auctions and sales in between and afterwards in favor of the program that started this summer. The reactions afterwards were so enthusiastic that we already can set a date in 2024 for this. A new tradition with great potential!

And in the meantime, the food distribution program of course also continues as usual. Although, as usual? Around Christmas, everyone is so busy that some of the regular receivers at the Food Bank don’t show up… and who jumps in? Yes, Bread of Life! And so it happened that we were able to go with a full van to our distribution points for several days in a row…!

Yes, because these are the moments to show up! 🙂 And to build the relationships that really matter!