Learning from the Mayor – A Study Tour with EP

One of the main goals of Evangelical Poland project is networking, learning from each other and making each other’s experience available.

This can be done in the form of a so-called Study Tour – after four previous versions, in the first days of March we visited Głogów, a town about 60 miles km southwest of Poznań with a group of about 30 people. Because beautiful things happen there! About 20 years ago, the local Baptist church started a language school to get more interaction with the people in town… Well, that has gotten a bit out of hand. Because as next step after the language school, a Christian primary school was started, then secondary education, various other social projects, with the opening of a hospice soon!

Because the pastor of the mentioned Baptist church has great personal contact with the mayor of the city, it seemed a good idea to let this mayor tell us what is crucial for successful cooperation with evangelical Christians with a heart for the city. That message was clear: Where many citizens and organizations approach the city council with questions for official and financial support, there are also organizations that show initiative themselves, propose solutions, with… a heart for the city!

And then the most wonderful things happen.

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